
On Page Optimization Tips

On Page SEO deals with optimizing individual website pages (blog articles) for search engines. This ranges from your use of keywords up to the overall appearance of the page. Here are some On Page optimization tips to keep your SEO in check.

Keyword placement


Make sure your keywords are in the URL of the page. Separate each word with a dash. Use this – (dash) not _ (underscore). It should look like this: /on-page-optimization-tips.(html).

Title Tag

The title tag should contain your keywords and the length should be no more than 60 characters.

The reason it should be shorter than 60 characters is because of the way Google displays the title on Google Search. That blue link that displays for all listings is actually your title tag.

Google only displays the first 60 characters. Any text above 60 characters will be replaced with “…”. Keeping it under 60 is more visually appealing and gives the user short concise information on what the page is about. That said, it really doesn’t hurt to sneak in a couple of keywords beyond the 60 character mark. Just don’t be spammy.

Meta Description

The meta description tag is used by search engines to display the information under the title of the page. The tag should contain your keywords one time and the readability should be natural. You want the user to know exactly what they will find if they visit the page

Sometimes search engines will ignore the meta description and use an excerpt from your first paragraph.

H1 Tag

The H1 tag is a heading tag and it should be used as your main title, the topic of your article. Keywords should be in this tag in a natural way. Us this tag only one time per page and at the top

First Paragraph

Make sure your keyword is in your first paragraph. Google may opt to display your first paragraph instead of the meta description. You want it to be presentable to Google Search users and also contain the main keyword

Keyword count

Don’t overdo it with the use of your keyword. For a 500 word article, you would use it 2 or 3 times at most.

Keyword distribution

try to spread the use of your keyword on the page. Use it naturally but spread it out so it’s not just in the first paragraph.

Other on page optimizing tips


Firstly you should understand that the alt tag is primarily used for accessibility. Screen readers use this take to let the user know what the image is about.

It is also used by browsers to display information about the image if it does not load correctly.

You should use your keywords in the tag. Don’t overdo it and remember the tag is used for screen readers. Be accessibility friendly and give your visually impaired users a normal natural description of the image

Internal and external links

link to pages inside your website to pass page authority to your important pages. Link to external resources that are relevant to the content and also link to any expert sources you may have used to inform your article.

Movie auto play

Browsers give users the option to disable this feature because they can be very annoying. It’s good practice to disable this feature on your videos.

Invasive popups

I think the entire internet is sick of this. They work for marketing but not much for user experience. If you use one, use it carefully. Make sure it does not popup on page load. Triggering the listener on page exit makes the most sense. In any event, make sure the user has a quick easy way to exit the screen.

The short and skinny

On Page SEO is more than your use of keywords. Users experience and accessibility are equally important

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