easier way to enable video key monemts

Enable Video Key Moments

Google released video key moments in 2019. It has been extremely successful since launching and they have just released an update to make life easier when enabling key moments. Google does try and do its best at automatically detecting key moments but you might want to enable video key moments manually. 

Enabling Video Key Moments is actually very simple and does not require an in-depth explanation. When you enable video key moments, you are telling Google which points in a particular video you feel are most important for your views. You are marking points in your videos that show users what segments they can fast forward to that will start them off at an interesting point. In the past, if a user wanted to skim through a video they were on their own and likely would miss important information. With this feature they can skim to points you have pre-determined and that you know hold value.

There is now two ways to enable key moments using schema.org markup. 

Clip: This allows you to mark the exact start point and endpoint for each of your segments. 

SeekToAction: Use your URL to tell Google where the timestamps usually go. 

SeekToAction has been in beta for some time. Now it’s official, available to all websites and is fairly simple to implement. 

The only conditions that must be met are: 

Your URLS must have the ability to deep-link into another point in the video, besides the start point of the video. 

In order for Google to automatically identify the key moments in your video, your video files must be fetchable. 

If you are using SeekToAction, use it on every page you want Google to automatically identify key moments. 

The Short and Skinny 

Appling SeekToAction is an easy way to enable video key moments on any website. However, it will only apply to embedded videos on your site.  That is if third-party sites do not support the markup. 

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